Stained glass windows

Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church



Trinity is a strong, vibrant, energetic congregation of God's people.  We give God thanks for all of the blessings God has bestowed on our congregation and we ask for God's guidance as we work to strengthen our discipleship.




All are Welcome!

At Trinity we celebrate God’s children in all of our beautiful forms. We open our hearts and church to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, immigration status, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, social status, political views, abilities, who we are or who we love. Together we strive to grow in love and joyfully serve God, our community and the whole of God’s creation. We make this journey together.


  • Sunday mornings at 10am, in person or via livestream. Summer worship is also livestreamed. 




Safe Gathering Guidance

Each individual and family will need to decide if they are ready to worship in person. Read more about our safe gatherings.

As conditions change, our precautions may change accordingly. At Trinity, we care about each other - so you are always welcome to wear a mask to protect others and yourself. Masks are available at the entrances of the church if you would like one.

Our Blessing & Charge

Go out into the world in peace; 
have courage;
hold on to what is good;
return no one evil for evil;
strengthen the fainthearted;
support the weak, and help the suffering;
honor all people;
love and serve the Lord,
rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved in the Lord,
God has shown you what is good.

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.*

*From This Far By Faith, p. 90. This Far by Faith is one of the many ELCA books of worship, much like the ELW. This Far by Faith celebrates the abundant gifts of African American worship and song.
